大法会报名表格 Participation Form 2019 A组 药师佛护法功德坛 Medicine Buddha Dharmapala Meritorious Altar 欢迎致电 07-2380 448询问参加A组法会详情 Please call 07-2380 448 For Group A Puja Details 药师坛总功德主 Medicine Buddha Maha Altar Sponsorship (RM8888) 供养如获摩尼宝,所有善求皆如愿;事业速疾得成就,种种障碍自然除。祈福大牌位六个 (可写24芳名于摩诃坛) All kind wishes will be fulfilled, triumphant in career and business. 6 Blessing Altar (24 names in Maha Altar) 选择这项目请点击 Click to select this 数量 Quantity: 药师坛大功德主 Medicine Buddha Great Altar Sponsorship (RM6888) 诚心礼佛业障除,永除老病离无常;修行忏悔慈悲行,愿满如意常自在。祈福大牌位五个(可写20芳名于摩诃坛) Get to eliminate the bad karma and all kind wishes will be fulfilled. 5 Blessing Altar (20 names in Maha Altar) 选择这项目请点击 Click to select this 数量 Quantity: 十二神将护法功德主 Dharma Protector Sponsorship (RM3888) 念佛行愿功德广,菩提常转修功德;烦恼俱灭障碍除,善多恶少福无边。祈福大牌位四个 (可写16芳名于摩诃坛) Eradicate bad Karma and accumulate good fortune. 4 Blessing Altar (16 names in Maha Altar) 选择这项目请点击 Click to select this 数量 Quantity: 吉祥护法忏主 Propitious Sponsorship (RM1688) 发信修持离障难,出入平安遇贵人;常闻正法六根静,广结善缘启智慧。祈福大牌位三个(可写12芳名于摩诃坛) Pacify all disasters, bestowed with blessing and prosperity. 3 Blessing Altar (12 names in Maha Altar) 选择这项目请点击 Click to select this 数量 Quantity: 如意护法忏主 Wish-Fulfilling Sponsorship (RM888) 心诚供养出入吉,如意安康合家宁。祈福大牌位两个 (可写8芳名于摩诃坛) Devotees are bestowed with peace, good luck and wish fulfilling. 2 Blessing Altar (8 names in Maha Altar) 选择这项目请点击 Click to select this 数量 Quantity: B组 消灾坛 Blessing Altar The Great Merit Puja Lamp (RM168) 燃灯供佛不仅可以得到诸佛菩萨不思议加持力,消除业障,也能增长自己的世间福报和智慧,令家庭富足、事业前途光明。法会后将继续供奉在普陀村为其一年! For those who wish to gain blessings, eliminate the Karma, succeed in career,studies and business may offer the lamp during Dharma Assembly. The lamp will be hanged in Putuo Village for one year, thus bringing luck and blessing to you and your family. 祈福者名字 (个人/合家) Devotee’s name (Individual/Family) 选择这项目请点击 Click to select this 数量 Quantity: The Boar Year 12 Zodiacs Blessing Great Tablet (RM88) 此福禄寿个人大吉位高度推荐给今年生肖时运处于中或低的人士,并将安置在药师佛前祈求添福添禄添寿。 Devotee’s name will be placed before Bhaisajye Buddha according to your own zodiac and be blessed. Great Blessing Tablet is highly recommended for the people undergo a medium or low luck in the Year of Boar. 祈福者名字 (个人) Devotee’s name (Individual) 选择这项目请点击 Click to select this 数量 Quantity: The 12 Zodiacs Blessing Tablet (RM38) 此消灾吉位高度推荐给今年生肖时运较佳的人士,同时也推荐给心中有愿望但久久未能达成人士。根据您的生肖,结以五色绳置于守护您的生肖护法神将前。 Devotee’s name will be registered before 12 Yaksha Deities according to personal zodiac with 5-colored threads. The registration of Blessing Tablet is highly recommended for those who have a better luck in the Year of Boar as forecasted. 祈福者名字 (个人) Devotee’s name (Individual) 选择这项目请点击 Click to select this 数量 Quantity: C组 Harmony Blessing Tablet (RM238) 吉位供养祈福诸天保佑所求逐愿,借药师七佛慈悲愿力,祈求新的一年风调雨顺、消灾延寿、合家平安、如意吉祥。 Devotees will be blessed by 7 Medicine Buddha with the achievement to remove obstacles, brings abundance and good luck, create a smooth path in all endeavors, windfall luck and provided for all needs and necessity. 祈福者名字 (个人/合家) Devotee’s name (Individual/Family) 选择这项目请点击 Click to select this 数量 Quantity: D组 供欢喜斋 Auspicious Offering 发心供奉欢喜斋,心生大欢喜。随缘布施让法会圆满成就,功德无量!随缘供奉。Enhance your luck in career, studies and relationship. 选择这项目请点击 Click to select this 数量 Quantity: 捐款者资料 Participant’s Details Field with asterisk (*) is required. *星号处必填 Name / Co. Name *: 中文姓名 / 公司宝号: 电子邮件 Email *: 电话 / 手提号码( Tel / Mobile) *: 需要扣税收据,请打勾 Tick the box for Tax Exemption Receipt(✓): 身份证号码 / 公司注册号码 : ( IC No / Co. Reg. No)*: 地址 Address: *: – Total MYR : Submit Share this Story