Liangwu Testing A组 护法功德主 Dharmapala Meritorious Altar 欢迎致电 07-2380 448询问参加A组法会详情Please call 07-2380 448 For Group A Puja Details 孝慈总功德主 Altar of Benevolence RM 8,000 0123 大法师个别加持护念,祈福大牌位五个(可写20个名字),超度大牌位五个(可写20亡者个名字) Blessed respectively be Ven. Zhenyao, 5 Longevity Grand Merit Altar(Write 20 names), 5 Liberation Grand Altar.(Write 20 names) 孝恩大功德主 Altar of Grace RM 3,000 0123 大法师个别加持护念,祈福中牌位四个(可写16个名字),超度中牌位四个(可写16亡者个名字)Blessed respectively be Ven. Zhenyao, 4 Longevity Big Merit Altar(Write 16 names),4 Liberation Grand Altar.(Write 16 names) 孝亲大功德主 Altar of Mercy RM 1,000 0123 大法师个别加持护念,祈福牌位一个(可写4个名字),超度牌位二个(可写8个亡者名字)Blessed respectively be Ven. Zhenyao, 1 Longevity Merit Altar(Write 4 names),2 Liberation Altar.(Write 8 names) B组 超度解脱坛 Liberation Altar 超度大牌位 Large Liberation Altar RM 200 0123 (可写四位亡者名字)(4 deceaseds’ names) 超度祖先 Ancestor Altar RM 100 0123 (一名祖先姓氏) (1 Ancestor’s Surname) 超度小牌位 Traditional Liberal Altar RM 50 0123 (一名亡者名字)(1 deceased name) 超度婴灵灵位 Infant Altar 此资料仅供法会使用,绝对保密。Information provided is for puja use only, it’s kept strictly confidential. RM 50 0123 (堕胎/流产胎儿)(Miscarried/Aborted)请务必填上阳上父亲或阳上母亲,其中一位的名字并在另一位填上”-” One Of the parent’s name is required.And put “-” in another field 若婴儿没有名字,请在婴儿名字上填写“-” 。 Please fill in “-” if the baby does not have a name 超度冤亲债主/无主孤魂 Karmic Creditors and Wandering Spirlts RM 30 012345678910 请务必填上阳上个人名字 Individual name is required. C组 供斋 Offering 供斋 Offering 人数 发心供奉欢喜斋,心生大欢喜。随缘布施让法会圆满成就,功德无量!随缘供奉Free will support to succeed the puja, superior merit is boundless. 捐款者资料 Participant’s Details Field with asterisk (*) is required. *星号处必填 姓名 (Chi) *: Name (Eng) *: 性别 Gender *: Male Female 身份证号码 I/C No *: 生日 D.O.B *: 公司宝号 (Chi): Co.Name (Eng): 公司注册号码 Co.Reg.No: Address 地址: *: Your Email 电子邮件: *: Tel 电话(住家号码 House): Tel 电话 (公司号码 Office): Tel 电话 (手提号码 Mobile): *: Subtotal (A+B) MYR : Subtotal (C) MYR : Grand total MYR : Submit 免责声明:此表格仅供法会使用,所有资料将绝对保密。Disclaimer: The use of this form is for puja purpose only.All information received via this form shall remain confidential. Share this Story