阿弥陀佛洗肾中心扩建工程 Amitabha Malaysia Dialysis Centre Expansion Project 洗肾中心扩建工程 Dialysis Centre Expansion Project No. 捐款 Donation 选择(请打✓)Please tick (✓) 1 RM5,000 2 RM3,000 3 RM1,000 4 随喜乐捐 Donation (any amount) : 捐款者资料 Participant’s Details Field with asterisk (*) is required. *星号处必填 姓名 (Chi./Eng.) *: Tel 电话 (手提号码 Mobile): *: Your Email 电子邮件: *: *: Please tick the box if want tax exemption receipt I/C No. 身份证号码*: Address 地址**: – Submit Share this Story