Amitabha Malaysia cordially invited the renowned Mahayana Venerable Shi Zhen Yao accompanied by other monks to address the grand puja of Medicine Buddha & 12 powerful Yaksa generals in the Great Assembly praying for the stability of nation, eliminating those natural disasters and calamities and to bring peace, prosperity and good luck to all participants in the forthcoming Year of the Goat 2015. Call 07-238 0448 for more dharma info, Amitabha!

Date:9th – 11th Jan 2015(Fri.-Sun.)
Time:8am – 5pm
Venue:Putuo Village(1488, Jalan Kampung Felda Taib Andak, Off Jalan Kota Tinggi,81000 Kulaijaya, Johor.

When Bhaisajye Buddha practices in his Bodhisattva ways, he made twelve great vows, wishing to relieve sentient beings from suffering, and let them to have sufficient capacities to enter the way of liberation. Those who follow his vows in the practice of Buddhahood can be free from all kinds of disease and finally attaining enlightenment like the Buddha.

By reciting the “Sutra of Bhaisajye Buddha” whole-heartedly will release us from poverty, ugliness, calamities, misery and gain rebirth in Bhaisajye Buddha Pure Land. All are welcome throughout our three-day prayer, everyone can actively engage in meaningful practice to receive the blessings of Bhaisajye Buddha and 12 powerful Yaksa Generals; the merits from reciting the mantras can be dedicated towards personal wishes or to benefit loved ones, praying for the stability of nation, eliminating natural disasters, and to bring peace, prosperity and good luck to all participants in the forthcoming year of the Goat 2015.


日期:9th – 11th Jan 2015(五 ~ 日)
时间:8am – 5pm
地点:古来普陀村(1488, Jalan Kampung Felda Taib Andak, Off Jalan Kota Tinggi,81000 Kulaijaya, Johor.)

药 师琉璃光如来在因地行菩萨道时,曾发十二大愿,要令一切众生所求皆能满足。修持药师法门的功德非常殊胜,就现前而言,修持药师法门能得长寿无病;就究竟而 言,修持药师法门,能达遍知果位。持诵《药师琉璃光如来本愿功德经》能帮助我们解脱贫穷、丑陋、病苦、饥饿、天灾、人祸等种种苦难,命终时往生药师佛的琉 璃净土。愿三宝弟子珍惜殊胜因缘,带着欢喜心和至诚心参加法会,定能得到药师佛和和十二药叉神将的护佑加持,且令国泰民安、风调雨顺,免除各种天灾人祸并 在羊年为善信带来平安吉祥、喜悦富足。

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